TERA For Xbox One and PS4
TERA For Xbox One and PS4

TERA is an MMORPG (massively multiplayer online role-playing game). The game was developed by Bluehole Studio and initially released for Microsoft Windows PC. Soon Tera will hit the Xbox One and PS4 console on 3rd April 2018. Bluehole Studio Inc. has recently released a trailer explaining some console gameplay footage and release date for free to play.

TERA Trailer For Xbox One and PS4:

As in the trailer, it shows that the Tera is free to play but the game has early access you can start playing Tera on 27th March. For that, you have to purchase the Founder’s pack at $29.99 form official website. But being honest it will not have any extra features to early access the game.

Tera includes some new controls:

Classy Controls: If you don’t like the default characters controls, can switch to a classy one.
Lock-On System: There is a new lock system that keeps your enemies centered on the screen.
Streaming Features: Gamers can quickly or instantly scatter Tera to the alliance using streaming support Twitch and Mixer.
Communication is Key: The game has introduced new voice chat support that helps players to communicate easily with their partners.
Combat Effective UI: The game has an awesome user interface that will helps players to quick access to items and weapons.

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