Messenger App

Google surely has an issue with its messaging applications – that is, there are far excessively numerous of them: there’s Allo, Duo, Hangouts, Youtube, and furthermore Messenger. Furthermore, now, to further add to the disarray, the organization has changed the name of the last mentioned, which is called Android Messages.

There are so many messaging App available in google play store but Messenger  is Google’s default SMS application, and can be preinstalled on numerous gadgets. The name change is not that astounding, truly – the other Messenger, that is, Facebook’s, is an a great deal more prominent application, and it’s anything but difficult to perceive any reason why Google would need to separate between the two.

Also Read : Facebook pushes mobile users to Messenger app

V2.0.770, this is the most latest version of Android messages is now accessible in the Play Store. The changelog for the  update also lists “Less complex sign-up  to accept upgraded features on supported carriers”, and in addition the great “Bug fixes and stability enhancements”.