Adorable VR game 'Moss' Now Supports Windows Mixed Reality

Launched ahead this year as a “PSVR” exclusive and eventually illuminated for “Oculus Rift” and “HTC Vive” previous month, adorable adventure game “MOSS” is getting an update to accompaniment Windows Mixed Reality headsets.

Nowadays players on every four major “VR platforms” can get into the immersive, lush, Zelda-esque world of Polyarc’s “MOSS” with it has charming bit mouse heroine. Players will management Quill and her magical orb to navigate – dynamic platforms, figure out environmental puzzles and even fight dangerous friends across many chapters of engagingly lovely design.

Moss controller

The new update conjointly adds a brand new Controls sub-menu that allows two new controller layouts to better suit your play vogue. the 1st possibility lets you swap between the default Touch-to-Move vogue and a brand new Press-to-Move layout. The developer says that this should help “mitigate a few of the ghost input problems players have been news.” The second option provides players the ability to modify the way the leaping and Attack actions are mapped, to “alleviate problems players have been news with the Vive need touchpad.”

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