iPhone Vs Android

The failure rate of iPhone is greater than Android device this is indicated in new report which is released by the Blancco Technolgy. The percentage rate of failure experienced by iOS user increase day by day.

There are numerous type of issue occur in iPhone rather than android devices while using it like  framework issues, camera issues, touchscreen breakdowns, battery charging issues and various other execution problems more occur in iphone rather than Android.

Android better than iOS
According to iphone user experience “The iPhone 6 has been the most worst performing iOS gadget with the high failure rate compared with different models.”

Toward the end of last year, a developing number of iPhone 6 and iPhone 6 Plus users started seeing that the touchscreen on their gadget either quit working or just worked discontinuously. Different users, in the interim, found that the responsiveness of the iPhone’s touchscreen show got to be distinctly sensitive and less responsive.So due to all these drawbacks in iphone we say that Android is better than iOS.

iPhone 6 issues aside, the issues said to affect iPhone proprietors most frequently include overheating, slamming applications and “earphone breakdowns.”All these kind of issue more occur in iphone rather than Android according to research.Thats why the iPhone performance is less reliable than Android.