Google may soon ban torrent sites

To prevent user online privacy google is taking a big stand to ban torrent sites after reacting to the number of negative criticism and complaints got from user as well as companies.

As indicated by a report by Torrent Freak, the Search Engine tools have clause to avoid “promoting” the torrent sites. The talk, which was chaired by the UK’s Intellectual Property Office, included search engine like Bing and yahoo, among others, allegedly brought about an assention being come to handle the presence of torrent sites in search results.

Report from Torrent Freak additionally included that this will be applied from June 1, 2017, in spite of the fact that the choice is yet to be formally declared and the organizations are yet to talk on the theme. Starting at now, this move will be limited to the UK, but it will enthusiasm to see whether the measures will work consistently around the globe.

This news comes after Torrents declared its rebound or you can say comeback after a short ban. Report by Torrent Freak, a couple of the first individuals from the KAT group set up their heads together to bring the old site back under an alternate domain name.