Tuesday, May 21, 2024


Topapps4u Provide Best Android news, Android tips, Apps, and reviews around all our  the world. All the Latest Games News, Upcoming Updates Phones, Tablets, Apps, Reviews and More.

Google iOS to Android

Google Makes It Easy to Switch From iOS to Android

Google simply made it much less demanding to get away from the grasp of the Apple biological system by changing to Android. Obviously, you'll then be covered profound inside Google's own...
Galaxy S7 battery life problems

How to fix Galaxy S7 battery life problems

The eternal journey for longer battery life in cell phones proceeds, as evermore proficient chips and greater batteries are in a fight with new programming, applications, highlights and big screens. You...
How to reduce data

How to reduce your android or iPhone data usage

it's a well known feeling when you get a content from your phone supplier saying you've almost come up short on information for the month.Depending on what kind of mobile contact...
Best Vpn App for Android

Best Vpn App for Android

(VPNs) Virtual Private Networks are among the best security tools a web surfer can have. You can utilize them to surf generally shabby open WiFi with more security and protection. They...
best lock screen apps

Best lock screen apps for windows phone

Lock screen applications are a real saver in such circumstances. However, what you didn't know is that there are few applications that can be use while the screen of your device...
Best Call Blocker for android

Best Call Blocker for android

Best Call Blocking Apps For Android It can be very annoying when somebody is continually calling you and you would prefer not to answer the call. Luckily, you can simply block a...
Best_Education Apps 2016

Best Free Education Apps

Utilizing your smartphone or tablet to learn from just bodes well. It's a gadget that is quite often with you which means you can take your learning all over and there...
Best torrent sites

Best Torrent Sites

Toward the begin of 2016 KickassTorrents is pulling in most activity took after by The Pirate Bay. A considerable measure of things have happened over the previous year, with some torrent...
Android lockscreen apps

Best Android lock screen apps

List of Best android lock screen apps:- 1. Hi Locker Hi Locker is the basic lock screen applications that looks really decent. It has 3 styles of lock screen: exemplary, Lollipop and iOS,...

Best Android file managers

Android record supervisors have a tendency to be very comparable, yet it's the subtle additional features that have the effect between a difference between  incredible one and good one. Ensure you're...