There is Awesome and intersting action Games for Android smartphone users. This Action games come out with bundles. Action games are most popular game any platform Comparision with other normal games.There are a many option of action games Like including shooters, fighting games, adventure games.

Here Are 5 Best Action Games On Android!

1. Into the Dead

Into The Dead Game

This game is a 3D infinite runner action game where you’re caught in the zombie apocalypse and you must run to survive. The game graphics use beautiful and darkness which helps keep the atmosphere dark and foreboding.

 2. Injutice: Gods Among Us

Injustice: Gods Among Us is a fighting game this game features a superb and arge cast of DC’s most popular comic book characters. It includes some simple fighting game. Injustice: Gods Among Us game character unique and interesting. There is a lot of fighting. Injustice: Gods Among Us game is full of entertenment game.

3. Implosion – Never Loss Hope

 Implosion – Never Loss Hope Game

Implosion – Never Loss Hope is a action game with Awesome Graphics. It takes place in a futuristic world where you must slay mutants, monsters. types of creatures both mechanical and non-mechanical. This game is very easy to play anyone. It also has Google Play Games cloud saving which is just cherry on top of an already sweet cake.

4. PewDiePie:Legend of Brofist

PewDiePie: Legend of Brofist game is full on shooters games. This game include fighting and most popular games of the 2016. It’s a 2D action game including platformer, shooter, and more. everything a related action game would ever need to be awesome.

5. Sonic the Hedgehog

 Sonic the Hedgehog Game

This game focuses on speed beginning to the end of each level, collecting rings, and avoiding certain death. Sonic the Hedgehog was one of the original action games available on any platform. There are also fights! Sonic 1 and Sonic 2 are available on mobile right now as well as Sonic 4 episodes 1 and 2 They’re a lot of fun and even bring a bit of nostalgic value to the mobile gaming world. They’re also pretty cheap with no in-app purchases!

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